The project titled “Investigation of the Realized and Expected Effects of Adaptations to Remote Working After the Covid-19 Pandemic, on Travel Behaviors and Housing Location:…
IMU Career Club organized an online event on December 27, 2021, at 21.00, and Germany Danone Digital Manager Canberk DEMİR took part as a speaker…
As Istanbul Medeniyet University, we held our first Sustainability Week events in 2021. Under the guidance of Rector Prof. Dr. Gülfettin ÇELİK, the events were…
The students of IMU Faculty of Educational Sciences, Department of Preschool Education, have been granted an encouragement award at the Dr. Yahya ÖZSOY Community Services…
Our students participated in the Future of Water Project Competition Final held at the ASELSAN campus on December 22, 2021 and received an award. The…
A workshop on renewable and clean energy production was held on the second day of Istanbul Medeniyet University Sustainability Week events.”ElectriCITY: Energy Preferences Game”, a…
Anatolian Youth Club of our university held a talk titled “Fair Economic Order and Pool System” on 20 December 2021. The speaker of the event…
Archaeological excavations in the ancient city of Beçin in the Milas district of Muğla, which once was the capital of the Menteşeoğlu Principality and one…
Turkey became a party to the Convention on Biological Diversity in 1996. As located on 3 different climatic zones, 3 biogeographical areas and 2 bird…
Medeniyet Gemisi Student Club held the “AFAD TRAINING” event on 18 December 2021. The participants were transported to the AFAD (Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency)…