“Non-Invasive Facial Treatments” training hosted by the Department of Otorhinolaryngology at Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Medicine was held on 16.10.2021 in our South Campus…
The first of ‘Urban Workshops’ organized by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of Istanbul Medeniyet University was held online on Thursday, 14th October 2021. The workshop…
The 20th seminar of the “Istanbul Urban Studies” seminar series organized by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of Istanbul Medeniyet University moderated by Res. Asst. Ayça ÇELİKBİLEK was…
Within the scope of the 2021-2022 academic semester opening event, the Department of Sociology of our University held an ‘opening lecture’ for the students of…
A research paper co-authored by Research Assistant Merve Arslan Çinko of IMU Faculty of Art, Design and Architecture with Assoc.Prof. Zeynep Eres (ITU) titled “Kars’ta…
Res. Asst. Dr. Zübeyde Demircioğlu from the Department of Sociology of our university presented her paper titled ‘Epistemic Authority in the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Case…
The Health and Civilization Symposium titled ‘Medical and Social Pandemic’, jointly organized by IMU Department of Sociology, Health and Civilization Association, Üsküdar Municipality, and Health-Union,…
The book titled “Global Transformation in Energy System, Renewable Energy, and Public Policies” authored by Asst. Prof. Dilek AKBAŞ AKDOĞAN from IMU Department of Public…
The article “Challenges of Invoking Environmental Rights Before The Turkish Constitutional Court: Mehmet Kurt Case” on environmental rights written by Asst. Prof. Feyzan OLGUNSOY, member…
The book “Sağlık Bilimleri İçin Diyabet” (Diabetes for Health Sciences) edited by Asst. Prof. Berna DİNÇER of the Faculty of Health Sciences Nursing Department and…