Istanbul Medeniyet University Sustainability Office carries out projects in order to reduce waste production and environmental footprint. IMU Sustainability Office continues to implement composting practices…
Istanbul Medeniyet University Sustainability Office and IMU Sustainability Student Club continue to develop projects in order to reduce the environmental footprint. IMU Sustainability Student Club,…
As part of the “3rd Istanbul Medeniyet University Sustainability Week” activities, two “Balcony Gardening Workshops” were held on 20 and 21 December 2023. The workshops…
Istanbul Medeniyet University Sustainability Office organized a “Compost Training” in 7-13 May Compost Awareness Week. Held in the Sustainability Office on May 12, 2023, the…
The Summit 22′ Event, which is a part of the IMU Career Week, led by the Career Club, was held on Thursday, May 26, 2022…
Yüsra Temel, a student of the Department of Preschool Education at Istanbul Medeniyet University Faculty of Educational Sciences, developed a student project to raise awareness…