Istanbul Medeniyet University Art History Club has become a Club for UNESCO after successfully completing the process, which they started with the initiative of Res.Asst.…
The 18th seminar of the “Istanbul Urban Studies” seminar series organized by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of Istanbul Medeniyet University moderated by Res. Asst. H. Aysun…
The sixth seminar of the “Mimarlık Araştırmaları” seminar series organized by Istanbul Medeniyet University, Department of Architecture, was held online on 24 September 2021, 12:00, with the…
The 17th seminar of the “Istanbul Urban Studies” seminar series organized by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of Istanbul Medeniyet University moderated by Res.Asst. Ayça ÇELİKBİLEK was…
The TEAM IMU FW team consisting of our students participated in the International Unmanned Aerial Vehicles Competition held between 13-18 September 2021 as part of…
The fifth seminar of the “Mimarlık Araştırmaları” seminar series organized by Istanbul Medeniyet University, Department of Architecture, was held online on 9 September 2021, 13:00,…
A project executed by two academic staff members of IMU Department of Sociology has been entitled to be supported within the scope of TUBITAK 1002-Fast…
IMU Department of Sociology hosted the Social Structure Research Summer School Program for Graduate Students and held a training titled “Data Literacy in Social Structure…
Res. Asst. Dr. Zübeyde Demircioğlu from the Department of Sociology of our university presented her paper titled ‘Scientific Uncertainty and Covid-19 Pandemic: Face Mask Controversy…
Our university and the Turkish Transplant Foundation are organizing an international cartoon contest on organ donation to raise social awareness about organ donation in the…