IMU Sustainability Student Club (IMUSUS), in cooperation with IMU Sustainability Office, continues to develop social responsibility projects on waste management. During the 4th Istanbul Medeniyet University Sustainability Week events, the club produced the first product of the workshop and presented it to our Rector Prof. Dr. Gülfettin ÇELİK, and continues to produce products to present to our students and staff. In this context, the student club members organized a “Calendar Production” workshop on January 10, 2025 to produce the “IMUSUS 2025 Seed Calendar”. In the workshop hosted by the Sustainability Office, 7 community members made calendar designs using paper previously produced by recycling.
The design of the “IMUSUS 2025 Seed Calendar” was created by Sustainability Office research assistants Res.Asst. Furkan ERUÇAR and Res.Asst. Ayça ÇELİKBİLEK, while the entire production process of the calendar was produced by recycling and upcycling the waste generated within the campus areas. While the calendar papers were obtained by recycling the waste paper generated within the institution, the sub-bases used for the calendars were produced by recycling the plastic bottle wastes generated within the campus areas of the community in the plastic upcycling workshops. In the workshop where two different calendar designs were produced, it was also possible for individuals to personalize their own calendars and produce special calendars for themselves.
These activities, which were organized within the scope of the “Sustainability Workshops” project, not only ensured the recycling of paper, but also aimed to increase the sustainability awareness of the participants. These activities not only contributed to the zero waste policy on campus, but also aimed to minimize resource consumption.
The project team stated that they plan to continue the upcycling-oriented workshops with different material types and concepts. Interested parties can follow the details of the events and workshops on @surdurulebilir_imu Instagram account.