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Examination of Middle Ear Functions and Hearing Health Awareness Project in School Age Children Completed

A project titled ‘Examination of Middle Ear Functions and Hearing Health Awareness in School Age Children’ was carried out between April 1, 2023 and December 31, 2023 in collaboration with Istanbul Medeniyet University and Ümraniye District Governorship District Directorate of National Education in order to protect and improve children’s health.

The project was carried out under the supervision of Istanbul Medeniyet University faculty member Asst.Prof.Dr. Sıdıka Cesur Coşkun. Other faculty members of Istanbul Medeniyet University Prof.Dr. Mahmut Tayyar Kalcıoğlu and Asst.Prof.Dr. Merve Torun Topçu were the researchers of the project , which aimed to raise awareness about protecting children’s hearing health and to examine middle ear functions, as well as to facilitate access to health services.

The project included the identification of middle ear problems and raising awareness on hearing health among 4th and 5th grade children in Yunus Emre Secondary School and 23 April Kaptanoğlu Primary School under Ümraniye District Directorate of National Education. Within the scope of the project, two visits were made to the schools, one for middle ear screening and the other for hearing awareness training. Before these visits, information and consent forms were sent to students and their families, and students who agreed to participate in the study were identified. During middle ear screening, tympanogram, acoustic reflex and eustachian function test measurements were performed using Maico TouchTymp MI34 device. Hearing awareness training was carried out for 1 class hour (40 minutes) supported by visual and audio materials. The efficiency of the training was measured with the ‘Hearing Health Awareness Form’ completed before and after the training.

During the study, 275 children participated in middle ear screening and 379 children participated in the training. As a result of middle ear screening, 69% of the children had normal findings, while 31% had various middle ear problems. Comparisons before and after hearing awareness training showed that children’s awareness of hearing loss, amplification devices, symptoms of hearing loss and the negative effects of hearing loss on daily life increased.

The study results support the prevalence of middle ear problems in school-age children. Screening and awareness-raising activities have made a significant contribution to early diagnosis and detection of health risks and providing effective intervention opportunities, taking measures to protect hearing health and increasing public health.

Posted in News, SDG 1, SDG 3, SDG NEWS