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An Article on the Anxiety Level of Expectant Mothers Co-Authored by Asst. Prof. Uzay Dural Şenoğuz Published

The results of a study conducted by Asst. Prof. Uzay Dural ŞENOĞUZ from IMU Department of Psychology and his colleagues on maternal health has been published in the Journal of Maternal-Fetal & Neonatal Medicine in the form of an article titled “Impact of expectant mother’s knowledge level about fetal anomaly scan on their state anxiety prior to antenatal ultrasound screening”.

In this study, the role of antenatal ultrasound knowledge experienced by expectant mothers on state anxiety and psychological well-being was examined when they applied for ultrasound examination. For the study, a cross-sectional study was conducted in the Perinatology Outpatient Clinic of a university hospital. Mothers who applied for first-trimester ultrasound scans and second-trimester anomaly scans were included in the study. A total of 500 expectant mothers (220 in the first trimester and 280 in the second trimester) were included in the study. According to the results of the study, a negative relationship was found between the age of the participants and the level of state anxiety. In other words, it was determined that as the age of the participants increased, their state anxiety levels decreased. In addition, it was revealed that the education level of the participants had a significant effect on their state anxiety levels. It was concluded that the knowledge levels of the mothers participating in the study were not related to their state anxiety levels. Considering all these, it was revealed that the only factor affecting the anxiety levels of pregnant participants before the ultrasound scan was age.

You can access the study here.

Sakalli Kani A, Esim Buyukbayrak E, Dural U, Oguz S, Yavuzer Ö, Yanartas Ö, Topcuoglu V. (2021). Impact of expectant mother’s knowledge level about fetal anomaly scan on their state anxiety prior to antenatal ultrasound screening. J Matern Fetal Neonatal Med. 18:1-6.

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