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.artimu.’s International Online Group Exhibition “UNCERTAINTY” is Now Open

.artimu.’s online group exhibition “UNCERTAINTY”  opened on July 16th, 2021. In the exhibition open to the international participation, artworks from various art and design areas from photography, video art, painting, graphic design to illustration, animation and ceramics came together.

Derya Samur, Rafel Arnal, Fadime Türk, İbrahim Genç, Gökçen Cıvaş, Kerem Yükseloğlu, Olcay Holat, Juan Bernardo Pineda, Yıldırım Onur Erdiren, Serdar Gülener, Özge Sayılgan, Mine Taylan, Kazuyuki Yamada, Enes Bilgin, Manuel Adsuara Ruiz, Özlem Oğuzhan, Gönül Esentürk, Şive Neşe Baydar, Joaquin Escuder Viruete, Ümran Özbalcı Aria, Ayşe Sezer, Koray Sevindi, Kevser Akçıl, Yasemin Tanrıverdi, Aslı İgit, Doğan Arslan, İlyas Sevindik and Mehmet Dere were the participants of the exhibition curated by Prof. Dr. Özlem Oğuzhan, head of Visual Communication Design Department.

In addition to its contribution to local art and the cultural heritage, the exhibition was organized on a digital platform and helped people maintain their ties with art in an environment where the pandemic continued.

Online exhibition can be viewed from here.


Posted in News, SDG 11, SDG NEWS