The project named “Smart Transportation Index,” led by Prof. Dr. Lütfi SUNAR, a faculty member of our university’s Department of Sociology, and supported by the Ministry of Transport and Infrastructure of the Republic of Turkey and Türksat A.Ş., has been completed.…
Res.Asst.Dr. Aslı DEVRIM LANPIR from our Nutrition and Dietetics Department and our student Behiye Gül PAKDEMIR’s project titled “Determination of Daily Choline Intake in Vegetarian…
The book titled “Türkiye’de Kadın İstihdamı: Durum Tespiti, Bölgesel Analiz ve Politika Önerileri (Women Employment in Turkey: Due Diligence, Regional Analysis and Policy Recommendations)”, co-authored…
The cooperation protocol signed between Istanbul Medeniyet University and ISF Studio bore its first fruit. Internship opportunities were provided to students of the Faculty of…
Istanbul Medeniyet University’s Department of Psychology and Psychology Application and Research Center organized an “Academic Writing Workshop for Psychology” aiming to help students acquire skills…
“Traditional Archery Training” for our university students was held on November 28, 2022 by the Traditional Archery Club of our university. Beginner and basic archery…
The Constitutional Law Summit, organized by Gelişim Law Student Club of our university, was held on Monday, November 28, 2022 between 12.30-16.00 at IMU Ziraat…
The first part of the vocational training seminar series organized by Gelişim Law Club and Alternatif Law Office under the name of Gelişim Law Academy…
Aydın Medeniyetliler Student Club of our university hosted Att. Onur TATAR at “Murder Cases” vocational training seminar on November 25, 2022, Friday between 13.30 and…
Istanbul Medeniyet University continues to organize free training and certificate programs to support the professional and personal development of its students. “Ottoman Turkish” training was…