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Housing Settlements in Delhi Discussed at the Second Seminar of “Mimarlık Araştırmaları” Seminar Series

The second seminar of the “Mimarlık Araştırmaları” (Architectural Studies) seminar series organized by Istanbul Medeniyet University, Department of Architecture, was held online on 14 July 2021, 13:00, with the presentation of Res. Ass. Nazife Sofu Bağ of the Department of Architecture at Istanbul Medeniyet University.

The main factors influencing the formation of urban space in Delhi, the development of the city of Delhi, and the problems arising from the impact of economic inequality on housing settlements were discussed in the presentation titled “Delhi and Housing Settlements.” It was stated that Delhi, which has a privileged position due to its social and spatial structure, a rich historical and cultural diversity dating back three thousand years, and a dense urban population. It was revealed that the city, which still retains the urban texture established in the 17th century, has survived to the present day thanks to the new city structure reconstructed in the 20th century. The change created by residential areas in the urban space was explained in the presentation with a focus on the urban texture. It was stated that the city’s uncontrolled growth and rapid population growth amplified urban space problems and the problems concerning urban housing areas. Because they were unable to meet the growing demand, they continued to develop informally.  As a result, it was stated that many slum areas were formed in the city. The problems caused by a lack of clean water resources and sanitary conditions in slums facing extreme poverty were highlighted. Problems in urban settlements were presented in a comparative manner through various areas. It was stated that the resulting housing diversity could be a serious indicator of inequality.

The seminar ended after discussions on approaches to improving living conditions in the city and the causes of urban problems.

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