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Establishment of Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions Discussed at the Panel on “The Crimes Committed in Jerusalem and Human Rights Issues”

Ideal Medeniyet Law Club hosted Palestinian activist Atty. Dr. Abdullatif KHADER and Atty. Mehmet Akif CAN at the online panel titled “The Crimes Committed in Jerusalem and Human Rights Issues” on May 15th, 2021.

Mr. Khader started his speech by touching upon the general discriminatory policies implemented in the Palestinian territories and the problems created by the political instability in the region. He stated that in an environment of armed conflict arising from the desire to dominate Jerusalem, human rights violations like the arbitrary arrests and other crimes committed by Israeli officials against Palestinian civilians amounting to violations of the Geneva Conventions occur frequently.

In his speech, Mr. Can agreed with Mr. Khader and expressed his opinion that despite the current state of affairs, the transparency and independence of the judiciary required for the punishment of the criminals and the establishment of justice could not be achieved and there is no legal security yet. He stated that among the possible solutions to end human rights violations in the region and ensure peace, besides economic empowerment, democratic values should also be strengthened.

Posted in News, SDG 16, SDG NEWS