The book authored by Asst. Dr. Cenk Beyaz from the Department of Sociology of our university titled “Göç ve Aidiyet: Kırsal Göçmenin Memleketine Bağlılığını Sürdürme…
A book chapter titled “Dünya’da ve Türkiye’de Cinsiyet Temelli Yoksulluk Analizi” (Gender Based Poverty Analysis in the World and in Turkey) authored by Asst. Prof.…
Istanbul Medeniyet University Science and Civilization Club and volunteers of Young Civilization IHH held the organization named “Make the Orphan Laugh! Charity Sale” at Goztepe…
The human rights report titled “Armenian Operations in Karabakh: Human Rights Violations and Monitoring of Violations” drafted by the Human Rights and Equality Institution of…
Excavations continue in Fethiye Castle, which is located in Fethiye District of Muğla, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, General Directorate…
One of the faculty members of the Turkish Music Department of our university, Dr. Seda TÜFEKÇİOĞLU published an article titled “Turkish instruments in Gelibolulu Mustafa…
Our University’s Psychology Club organized an online event called “Sustainable Living: Global Climate Change and Water Management” on May 27, 2021. The speaker of the…
The last artimu exhibition of this year “NOSTOS” is opened on 30th December. Twenty-five works took place in the exhibition, which can be viewed at, until February…
Dr. Ceyda Çavuşoğlu Deveci who is a research assistant at IMU Faculty of Educational Sciences authored four book chapters in the book “Sociology of Education”…
The dissertation of Lect. PhD. Zeynep ARDIÇ from the Department of General Public Law of IMU Law Faculty has been published as a book titled…