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Dr. Seda TÜFEKÇİOĞLU Published an Article Examining Turkish Instruments in the Context of Cultural Heritage

One of the faculty members of the Turkish Music Department of our university, Dr. Seda TÜFEKÇİOĞLU published an article titled “Turkish instruments in Gelibolulu Mustafa Ali’s Mevaidü’n-Nefais” in Rast Musicology Journal in 2021, vol.1, issue 9.

In her article, TÜFEKÇİOĞLU discussed the musical assemblies and instruments as described in the work named “Mevaidü’n-Nefais Fi Kavâdi’l-Mecalis”, written by the Ottoman author Gelibolulu Mustafa Ali, who lived in the last quarter of the 16th century. In this context, she examined stringed instruments such as muğni, qanun, oud, şeşhane, kopuz, tanbur, şeşta, santur, çarhane, çeng, and kemânçe; wind instruments such as nay, erganun, musikar, nay-ı Irakî, mansûr, and surna; and percussion instruments such as def, çağana, çârpâre, and filcan as significant historical examples for the cultural heritage of Turkish music.

The mentioned instruments were examined by comparing them with the instruments described in the 15th-century source works and the 17th-century Evliya Çelebi’s Seyahatnâme. within the scope of local art and cultural heritage. Instrument classifications were specified according to the Hornbostel-Sachs system.

Click here for the article.

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