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Expert Opinions on the Dissemination of Pre-School Education Shared in a National Education Monitoring Report

Res.Asst. H. Sümeyra BİLİCİ ALBAYRAK of IMU Faculty of Education, Department of Basic Education wrote her expert opinion titled “Evaluation of Steps to Disseminate Pre-School Education” in the Education Monitoring Report 2021 published by İlke Foundation. In the opinion letter, she emphasized that the contributions of the education service offered at early ages were carried on to other levels of education, which could have positive effects throughout life. The current situation of preschool education in our country has been evaluated by considering news and developments. She shared information about the activities, agenda and objectives of the Ministry of National Education aimed at increasing participation in pre-school education. She evaluated various dimensions such as the number of schools-classrooms-teachers, physical infrastructure, equipment materials, and teacher qualifications required to achieve the aforementioned goals.

In the opinion letter, in order to provide access to quality preschool education, it was suggested that education fees should be removed and preschool education should be included in the scope of compulsory education. In order to understand the importance of preschool education, it was recommended to raise awareness of families and the general public, and to inform the public that the 3-6 age group should receive education services not just the care and play. It has been suggested that the schools and classrooms to be opened will be inclusive and safe, that they should meet the minimum requirements to provide quality education, and that existing schools should be improved.

The opinion letter was completed with the statements that the steps taken for the dissemination of preschool education are very valuable and will have a multiplier effect.

The report can be accessed here.

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