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Gentrification Processes of Istanbul Discussed at the 3rd Seminar of the “Istanbul Urban Studies” Series

The third seminar of the “Istanbul Urban Studies” seminar series organized by the Department of Urban and Regional Planning of Istanbul Medeniyet University was held online on Thursday, 29 April 2021, with a presentation by Lecturer PhD Ayşegül CAN, who presented her study titled “Soylulaştırma Hissi: Galata Örneğinde Mekana Aitlik ve Gerilim” (The Sense of Gentrification: Spatial Belonging and Tension in the Example of Galata).

In the seminar, CAN first introduced the concept of gentrification and the processes of urban gentrification in the literature. She discussed the gentrification process of Galata district from the beginning of the planning history of the area. She underlined that multiple phases of gentrification took place in Galata district and certain differences exist between its primary and secondary settlers, which has a potential for creating tension among the users of the area. In her study, CAN evaluated the results of her interviews and revealed the change of belongingness of residents. She explored the residents’ views about each other through sections from personal interviews as she looked at the impacts of gentrification upon psychological well-being through individuals.

In the following q/a session, CAN discussed her findings over the other gentrified areas in Istanbul and drew attention to the fact that gentrification is not a completed process; it is rather an ongoing and repeated process.

Posted in News, SDG 11, SDG 3, SDG NEWS