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Our Faculty Member’s Book Chapter on Early Childhood Education has been Published

Asst.Prof.Dr.Hande ARSLAN ÇİFTÇİ, faculty member of IMU Department of Basic Education, authored a chapter named “Slovakia” in the book titled “Early Childhood Education in the World”, edited by Prof.Dr. Yasemin AYDOĞAN and published in two editions in 2022. The main theme of the book was the examination of the education systems of different countries, especially early childhood education strategies and practices.

Scope and quality of education provided in early childhood; It plays a very important role in determining the fate of children as well as families and therefore the society formed by families. When the place, importance and qualities of early childhood education, which is so important, are examined in the world, many different education systems are encountered. In this book, which includes 54 countries, including our country, and where each faculty member contributes by discussing a different country, Dr. Hande ARSLAN ÇİFTÇİ summarized the Slovak education system and, in addition to general information about the country, the history of education, management in education, financing and legal regulations, early education, It provided information on childhood education services, teacher training and family education. Thus, it was aimed to enable the readers to analyze the early childhood education systems of different countries and to compare the early childhood education systems of Turkey and different countries from a critical perspective.

Book chapter:

Arslan Çiftçi, H. (2022). Slovakya. Y. Aydoğan (Ed.), Dünyada erken çocukluk eğitimi (2.baskı) içinde (ss.411-422). Ankara: Nobel Akademik Yayıncılık. ISBN: 978-605-320-708-5.

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