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A Study on Patients with Substance Use Disorder, of which our Faculty Member is among the Authors, has been Published

The article titled “A Pilot Study of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Group Skills Training in Patients with Substance Use Disorder: Changes in Substance Use Severity, Mood and Relationship Skills“, co-authored by our Psychology Department head Prof. Dr. Işıl BİLİCAN, was published in Bağımlılık Dergisi.

The article aimed to investigate the effects of Dialectical Behavioral Therapy Group Skills Training (DBT-ST) on patients’ substance use severity, mood, psychological well-being and other psychological symptoms, emotion regulation difficulties, interpersonal problem solving skills and social competence. During the study, DBT-ST was administered to nine outpatients with substance use disorder for 20 weeks.

Positive results were obtained in the research on substance abuse and substance use. In the drug screening tests, a significant decrease was observed in the number of substance use. There was also a marked decrease in the intensity of substance use.

In the study, a positive improvement was also observed in the emotion regulation of substance users. Users tended to exhibit healthier and more balanced emotional responses.

In summary, the results of the study showed that 20 weeks of DBT-ST helped participants increase withdrawal days, improve emotional regulation skills, reduce symptoms of depression and anxiety, and substance-related difficulties. The imprint of the relevant research is available below.

BİLİCAN, F. I., ÇETİNKAYA, M., ÇELEBİ, E., GÜLEN, B., & BARHAM, H. (2022). A pilot study of dialectical behavioral therapy group skills training in patients with substance use disorder: Changes in substance use severity, mood and relationship skills. Bağımlılık Dergisi, 23(3), 327-337.

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