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The Article Examining the Relationship between International Tourism, Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution, of which Prof. Seyfettin ERDOĞAN is one of the authors, was Published in the Journal of Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja

The article titled “Dynamic relationship between international tourism, economic growth and environmental pollution in the OECD countries: evidence from panel VAR model”, co-authored by Prof. Seyfettin ERDOĞAN, a faculty member of the Department of Economics of our university, was published in the Journal of Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja.

In the study, the effect of international tourism on economic growth and carbon emissions in OECD countries during the 1995-2020 period was examined using the Panel VAR model. In addition, the findings of the Granger Causality Model and Impulse-Response Analysis were also included.

As a result of their empirical analysis, the authors, including ERDOĞAN, reached the conclusion that carbon emissions and economic growth gave a positive and meaningful response to international tourism shocks. In other words, the findings revealed that tourism shocks not only increase economic growth but also cause more carbon emissions. The study also found that the negative impact of tourism shocks on environmental pollution is greater than its positive impact on economic growth. Based on the empirical results, the authors emphasized that policy makers should take action and take measures to reduce the impact of international tourism on environmental degradation. They suggested the development and dissemination of clean energy technologies in all tourism activities in order to reduce the negative impact of tourism on the environment.

Gedikli, A., Erdoğan, Seyfettin, Çevik, E. I., Çevik, E., Castanho, R. A., & Couto, G. (2022). Dynamic Relationship between International Tourism, Economic Growth and Environmental Pollution in the OECD Countries: Evidence from Panel VAR Model. Economic Research-Ekonomska Istraživanja, 1-17.

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