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An Event titled “On Technology Addiction: Connect but Don’t Get Addicted” was Held

An online event titled “On Technology Addiction: Connect but Don’t Get Addicted” was held on May 25, 2021, with the collaboration of our University’s Informatics and Information and Young Green Crescent Clubs. Being able to use technology without being dependent on it these days has made this event important at a time when technology influences every aspect of life. The speaker of the event was İsmail Memiş, Youth Studies Specialist and Addiction Trainer.

Stating that the increasing use of technology caused by the pandemic has significantly increased the rates of technology addiction, Mr. Memiş pointed out that the types of addiction such as online gaming disorder, excessive use of social media, and smartphones have increased significantly.

After providing information on how to combat these addictions, Mr. Memiş recommended to encourage people to socialize naturally, to support parents to socialize their children, to participate in various group activities (such as sports), and to increase the time families spend together.

At the end of the online conference, which was held with approximately 100 people, a question-answer session about limiting technology addiction was held. At the end of the event, certificates of participation were presented to the audience.

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