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Red Crescent Aid and Solidarity Project Completed

Rukiye Sancar, a student of Faculty of Educational Sciences, Department of Preschool Education developed a student project to empower vulnerable social groups. Sancar’s “Red Crescent Aid and Solidarity Project” consulted by Res. Asst. PhD Hande Arslan Çiftçi started on March 27, 2021, and continued for two months.

The project was carried out with the aim of trying to prevent or alleviate human suffering without any discrimination, to protect human life and health, to bring mutual understanding, friendship, respect, cooperation, and lasting peace among people. The target audience of the project was determined as disadvantaged people, the elderly, women, the poor, the unemployed, refugees/asylees, homeless people, orphans, students, and relatives of veterans and martyrs. In accordance with the aims of the project, many activities such as Autism and Down Syndrome Awareness Day event, aid collection campaign for families in need, food distribution events, Ramadan food aid distribution, and Mother’s Day event were held.

As a result of the project activities, important social aids were offered to the target groups such as providing social solidarity, contributing to the development of social welfare, and providing shelter, nutrition, and health aid to the poor and needy.

Posted in News, SDG 10, SDG NEWS