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IMU Science and Civilization Club Organized a Photo Exhibition on Social Work Practices for Children with Parental Loss

The Science and Civilization Club held a program titled “Social Work Practices for Children with Parental Loss”, accompanied by Social Worker Abdullah YILDIZ, together with the Orphan Foundation, at 15:00 on December 2, 2022, at the Ziraat Bank Library Bankkart Conference Hall. The program, which was carried out to raise awareness among our students, started with the opening speech and the introduction of the Orphan Foundation’s work.

Within the scope of the program, with the presentation of Abdullah YILDIZ, the projects carried out by the Orphan Foundation for children who have lost a parent were introduced. The scope of the activities carried out by the Foundation under various titles such as education, humanitarian aid, emergency aid, psychosocial support and social activities and the countries where the activities was carried out were mentioned. In addition, various problems faced by children who have lost their parents in the international arena were mentioned and the contents of the aid activities carried out in this direction were explained.

In addition, a photography exhibition was organized at the event, which was prepared by the Orphan Foundation, showing the relief activities for children who lost their parents in various countries. After the interview with YILDIZ, the participants visited the photography exhibition prepared by the Orphan Foundation and listened to the stories of the photographs.

The event ended with conversations with valuable participants, accompanied by the photography exhibition.

Posted in News, SDG 11, SDG 17, SDG NEWS