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The Book Chapter About Renewable Energy Systems Co-Authored by Prof.Dr. Çiğdem ŞAHİN has been Published

The book chapter on clean energy technologies, titled ‘Visible Range Activated Metal Oxide Photocatalysts in New and Emerging Energy Applications’, co-authored by Prof.Dr. Çiğdem ŞAHİN, head of the Basic Sciences Department of Engineering at the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences of our University, was published in the book ‘Green Photocatalytic Semiconductors -Recent Advances and Applications’.

The increase in world energy needs due to industrial developments and population growth also increases fossil fuel expenditures, which largely meet this need. However, since these resources are not renewable and their use causes environmental pollution and climate change, it has become necessary to find alternative energy sources. For this reason, the study aimed to draw attention to the use of environmentally friendly renewable energy sources by mentioning some new and developing energy sources. In the book chapter, new and developing energy applications using metal oxide photocatalysts were mentioned. The latest developments in environmentally friendly and energy efficient production methods used in the production of solar cells, solar fuels and photocatalytic hydrogen, in which solar energy is used as a source, were highlighted. This research contributed attracting attention to solar energy as a clean and renewable energy source among renewable energy systems. In addition, it was aimed that the study would benefit research in the field of clean energy technologies.

Posted in News, SDG 12, SDG 13, SDG 7, SDG NEWS