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The Book Co-Authored by Res.Asst. Özge Gürsoy on the Cultural and Architectural Heritage in Kadıköy Hasanpaşa Kurbağalıdere Urban Conservation Area Published by IMU Publishing House

The book titled “Kadıköy Hasanpaşa Kurbağalıdere Kentsel Sit Alanı Üzerine Bir İnceleme” (A Study on Kadıköy Hasanpaşa Kurbağalıdere Urban Conservation Area), co-authored by Res.Asst.Özge GÜRSOY of Istanbul Medeniyet University (IMU) Department of Architecture and Prof.Dr.N.Ferah AKINCI of Yıldız Technical University Department of Architecture, has been published by Istanbul Medeniyet University Publishing House .

In settlements, identifying a problem, solving it in socio-psychological terms, and adding new ones with a harmonious architectural approach helps preventing the notion of simply consuming. In this context, the authors offer an empirical perspective on how to move forward while avoiding destroying the heritage. They examined the Hasanpaşa Kurbağalıdere Urban Conservation Area in Istanbul’s Kadıköy district in terms of housing satisfaction and user perspectives, and presented improvement suggestions for the buildings in the urban site and their surroundings, offering an alternative to improve the quality of life for the residents in the area.

The book presents the opinions and expectations of Hasanpaşa Kurbağalıdere Urban Conservation Area residents as demonstrated by the interview results with a focus on the history of social relations in the research area, as well as the current state of social relations. Aside from the social conditions, physical conditions and the buildings’ impact on the residents’ psychological well-being are also investigated. As a result of all the evaluations, the authors offer detailed improvement proposals for the façades of the houses in the area in order to resolve the negative impact of the houses on individuals and to protect the city’s cultural heritage.  Furthermore, they propose a recreation area to meet the area’s public space requirements. All these suggestions in the book represent an important step toward increasing wellbeing and ensuring the resilience of the poor, who make up the majority in the urban protected area.

You can access the book here.

Posted in News, SDG 11, SDG NEWS