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We Hosted Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ertan Toy with his “Digital Transformation and Metaverse” Talk

The Art Design Student Club of our university hosted Yıldız Technical University faculty member Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ertan TOY at the event titled “Digital Transformation and Metaverse” held at İstanbul Medeniyet University Göztepe Campus Aşık Paşa Conference Hall on Monday, May 23, 2022, at 15:00.

Digital transformation has led to significant industrial innovations in various fields, from the business world to the entertainment industry, from design to the education system, with the acceleration of technological advancements in today’s world. This important topic and especially the concept of “Metaverse” were the focus of the event, attracting considerable interest from participants, especially design students.

Assoc.Prof.Dr. Ertan TOY conveyed the effects and workings of digital changes to the participants. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of the “Metaverse” concept, its potential future applications, and the usage areas of virtual reality devices, enlightening the participants about this new digital world. He focused on the new opportunities that the technological innovations brought by the world of Metaverse brought to the field of design. TOY talked about the opportunities such as the visual design of this virtual world, the aesthetic modeling of virtual spaces and the development of creative thinking away from the limitations of the physical world.

At the end of the event that aimed at personal development of our students, the attendees had the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discussions regarding Digital Transformation and Metaverse. Furthermore, business opportunities and challenges that will contribute to the development and transformation of the digital world were discussed with the participants.

Posted in News, SDG 9, SDG NEWS